Love & Relationships, Tarot & Soulmates

After my previous post about the Tetragrammaton the sacred word which represents the divine power as we understand it, the next logical step is to focus on the very thing that underpins everything we do, The power of love. Many times during a reading a combination of cards such as those shown above, various cups cards, The Empress & of course The Lovers will leave me in no doubt that the person in front of me is searching for love.

Searching For True Love, The Perfect Soul Mate.

Just about everyone on this planet wants to be in love and enjoy the companionship that comes with it. While the vast majority of us will experience the pleasures that love can bring, it is important to understand that love means many different things to many different people. To some, the thought of experiencing love is nothing more than enjoying the rewards of some fleeting temptation. Or appreciating some agreeable companionship, that puts a little warmth into the cold dark nights of winter. Most of us however, are looking for the signs of true love. My most popular free Tarot readings are my Relationship Tarot, & my animated version, my ten card talking Relationship Tarot reading. We all eventually seek much more than satisfying temporary desires. How to find true love is probably the question I am asked the most. The pursuit of true love is what we should aspire to. The discovery of a true soul mate is uppermost in our mind. We are looking for the perfect someone, who can captivate us heart and soul, usually I find this very person is outside of our usual ‘type’ & can often appear to competely surprise us.

Some though can be left wondering what true love really is. Not everyone will come across it. At least not soon enough before their desire for companionship overshadows the search for soulful love. They will settle for less and fall into a relationship. Sure, romance may blossom and go on to evolve into a lasting bond that will grow in strength, as each partner slowly develops more and more reliance upon the other. In many ways, it can be at this very point that many think they have actually achieved what they first desired. They think they have found their true love, their soulmate, and just did not realize the fact at the start of the relationship. Many will go on to enjoy a full and satisfying partnership. The question will always remain, have they really found their true love? .

There are quite a few people who end up discovering their true love, while they are already in a comfortable relationship. Often left with the agonizing decision on whether or not to risk everything they already have and much of what they have achieved in life, for the chance of going after what could be true love, this is often a risk too difficult for many to take, leading to lifelong regrets. Those are the ones left wondering what would have been. Although, they at least have the satisfaction of feeling they have the next best thing. Of course, others already in a relationship, will jump in head first at the very thought of finally having discovered their true soul mate. While a few of those people just may have got it right, the vast majority soon realize the mistake they have made.

Many will say all you need is love, I wholeheartedly agree, more & more I realise that love is the force that creates everything has the potential to release our true potential.

I truly hope you manifest everything you desire.

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