Awaken the guru within.

I am fresh back from my second meeting with the learned men of Colombo I mentioned in my last post. I am buzzing with excitement as they seem to have an amazing ability as to bring what is really important in to focus. In fact the word ‘synchronicity’ could be used to cover how I… Continue reading Awaken the guru within.

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The Power of Focus Re-imagine Your Future

5 card tarot spreads. Past, present, future. Choose your cards.

The Power of Focus. When I am giving readings the overwhelming impression I get from people is that they want their life to change. Amazingly 9 times out of 10 these same people have no structured plan of how they are going to achieve this change in their life. The bottom line is your subconscious… Continue reading The Power of Focus Re-imagine Your Future

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Psychic abilities take many different forms …

the future is in your hands, how do you choose the right reader for you?

Psychic abilities come in many forms … Many return callers are becoming interested in the different skills offered by my readers, and realising that various skill sets are available. By selecting a reader that is able to focus their specific psychic abilities on your individual circumstances, this can impact on the depth and success of… Continue reading Psychic abilities take many different forms …

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Born Lucky ?

what is your wish?

When I am giving readings should my ‘Wheel of Fortune‘ card appear ( complete with me dressed as a sphynx!) I know that Lady Luck is not far behind … Can we be Born Lucky ? There are certain people that we meet as we travel along our life’s path that just seem to have… Continue reading Born Lucky ?

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Karma, What goes around comes around …

the future is in your hands, how do you choose the right reader for you?

Undoubtedly the biggest life lesson I have learnt is the law of Karma, and, believe me,  I am still …

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I think therefore I can!

free talking Tarot readings

Affirmations & Mantras Everytime you say to yourself “Oh I can’t do that, I’m no good at ….(whatever)”, you are in essence using a negative affirmation, and where do you think that will get you? You’re right, nowhere. The more you tell yourself that you are unable to do something, the more ‘real’ you are… Continue reading I think therefore I can!

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I wish I could get out of my head …

Tap into your inner strength and enjoy the benefits of meditation for better emotional and mental health. Let’s explore insights and experiences to enhance your life and connect with your true self.

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