will they come back?

the ex

A gorgeous day in the metropolis. After all the drama I was expecting some big questions.

A lot of people have decided they like the huge shift & are determined to follow a new path.

Quite a few though still want to know if they can get their ex back. 

Really! My answer is always doing you really want them? Can’t you just stalk them on social like everyone else …

Will I win the lottery?

Many of the ‘stock’ questions that people ask show that most of the time, questioners are looking for external validation or events to change their lives. The ex coming back, winning the lottery, mysterious unexplained weight loss 🙂

The truth is the Tarot is much more subtle than that. A good reading provides the clues & the keys that enable you to unlock a new path in your life. The upshot is you actually have to make the changes yourself, it’s not magic. A very high proportion of people that come for readings have an unflinching belief that ‘everything will work out’. Just imagine how much faster the transformation can be when we wade in, roll up our sleeves & get involved.

The Tarot is a catalyst, the most powerful technology of untold possibilities. Try my free online Tarot reading my popular online talking Tarot, What card is waiting for you?

My selected expert readers are always ready to provide insight with your unique reading. From a one to one telephone reading to a fast answer via sms message. Your answers are waiting, take a look psychic reading online today

I hope today is a good day for you

– 🃏

– 🔮

– 👁️

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