The Moon Tarot – Hidden Secrets

tarot meanings & affirmations
22 keys, the greater secrets

Step inside the Moon Tarot Card: Moon Tarot Meaning

For the full movie – step inside the Moon card with me. Check in to tarotrehab – link in bio. 2 minute Tarot journeys, for each key, your journey awaits. 

At the edge of dreams we face our fears, we realise they are just ghosts of our past. Our fears can live in the shadows. The light of the moon dissolves uncertainty leading us to dreamland where our future is waiting.

I have said many times I love the Almanac Moon Phase Calendars so beloved of my Mother. Next time you see the moon ask what message it has for you, what can you achieve in the next moon cycle.

Creative caring intuitive Pisces is the playmate of the moon. The moon controls the tides, does it influence you in any way? It sure does me, the phases become rituals weaving their magic through the chapters of our lives.

The Wolf is our raw base instinct, our animal reflex that reacts subconsciously. The dog is our more polished self, the mask we hide behind, the vehicle that carries us along the path of our life. Balancing both sides of our nature is the most difficult trick of all

The towers mark the edges of our experience, beyond these may be life beyond our wildest dreams. Most of our boundaries are self created or inherited beliefs. 

The waxing & waning moon is the rhythm of life. fantasy over logic, dreams over reason.

It’s time to shine. Glimpsing the Moon always herald a shift for me, time to grow. Things are changing like never before, will you?

When you encounter the moon, listen for messages in a dream, on the edge of consciousness … I hope today finds you at peace, look after yourself, you are amazing, make sure your serenity is cranked up to ‘Max’

Step in to each of the 22 Majors or greatest secrets, check in to Tarot Rehab


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