Where in the World

world tarot meaning

Tarot today – I drew the World – The ultimate card of the Major Arcana, The greatest Secret.

Look at your World, your thoughts & actions. Though they don’t necessarily create our reality, our thoughts & actions definitely have an influence on how we experience our existence.

“life is great, it really doesn’t need to be complicated”

Life is about managing situations whilst being as happy as we can with our current predicament. If happiness depends on the quality of our thoughts, we should strive to be as positive as we can no matter what. Go forth in your world today, make sure you appreciate that life is great, it really doesn’t need to be complicated.

My Mother is featured on this card I see her every day in this my world card & in the course of my readings. You can see her come alive again in the animated World key on my tarot rehab page

Welcome seeker to the 21st portal, The Great One of the Night of Time, I have been waiting for you, this is the centre of now you are fully awake.

Here on the edge of eternity the great work is complete Tav is the key that gives you access to the 5th dimension

We are about to enter the temple. Your vision of the world will fall away. The blueprint of your destiny has always been present in your spiritual DNA are you ready to step in to your future

Release indecision open your heart, shine like the brightest of lights

Time is not linear the past the present & future collide manifesting dreams beyond limitation. You now have all the keys, What is it that you are here to accomplish? 

As the world continues to turn, time to step out of the comfort zone, leap forward. I am again the Fool, where will my journey lead next. 

The past still exists inside our heart & mind, the future exists only in our dreams.

Let’s just be happy today, live in the moment it really is a precious gift. For fast answers to your burning questions try my updated sms psychic reading service, my younger tech savvy readers are really enjoying the quick access to their favourite readers.  

This is a card of success and happiness. Even if things look difficult at the moment a peak experience is on it’s way to you. How do you feel about your world? What would be the best outcome for you at this time? In a tarot card reading over the phone this is the card you really want to see, it guarantees a brighter future, good news is on the way!

The World card and your love life – Otherwise known as the best card in the pack! The world is at your feet and love should become easy and give you a sense of completion. Things will be looking up. Of course the world is always turning so we can’t rest on our laurels but right now all should be well in your world and love should become something to celebrate. Of course, love can mean many things and this card urges you to walk in love in all ways, not just passion and romance. Either a current relationship becomes what you want it to become or new love pops up and it really is covered in roses! Be patient but also expect a positive outcome.

World Tarot affirmation

This is your World in a moment of time.

man only experiences external influences & illusions.

infinite knowledge will be revealed when you discover

the truth that has always been inside you.

Tarot the World – Major Arcana

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