The Five of Swords – Revenge is pointless, remember Karma is a powerful force.

five of swords tarot meanings

The Five of Swords
The Lord of Defeat

The Five of Swords Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading :


The Five of Swords – Appearance
The appearance of The Five of Swords builds on the image of the previous card. The five swords are arranged with three in a positive upright position whilst two face towards the seeker representing residual opposition. The brick wall is greatly reduced, a brooding sky appears to be clearing, revealing the calm after the storm.

The Five of Swords Tarot Card – Interpretation

The Five of Swords indicates that we have accepted our limitations, that we have considered our position and are willing to accept losses in order to move towards a positive outcome. It when the seeker draws this card I often sense that disquiet around their personal relationships has left them resentful and wishing to seek revenge. The lesson here is that the only option is to be magnanimous, resign ourselves to any blocks in our path, and walk away with our pride intact. The two badly placed swords suggest that we are feeling overpowered or dominated in some way and that we must accept vulnerability to rise above the situation, stepped back and accept that through defeat we will only emerge stronger. The Five of Swords in conjunction with the previous card from the suit warns against striving for too much, we should only take on battles that we are confident we can emerge from victorious.

Alchemical Elements : Air

The Five of Swords Tarot Card – Correspondences
The coolness of Venus and the flow of Aquarius.

My Relationship with The Five of Swords

When the five appears to me I know that though I often feel invincible, in this situation I must accept that external forces are far more powerful than myself. I know from experience that the desire to fight or bite off more than I can chew, will only leave me feeling disillusioned. Often by accepting defeat I feel victorious as pointless battles are a sure indicator of spiritual immaturity. To be able to release the ego learned lessons and gain satisfaction even in surrender is one of the most powerful experiences that life can show us. One of my mantras has always been to treat others as I would wish to be treated myself, there is no victory in the humiliation of another individual and the power of karma will always repay you. The remaining brick wall in this image is a reminder that we really must not continue to bang our heads against insurmountable odds. We must accept limitations and move forward.

The Five of Swords – Revenge is pointless, remember Karma is a powerful force.

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Paul O’Mara

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