Tarot readings – The Court cards – Online meanings

king of wands tarot meaning

Tarot readings with the Court cards

The Court cards or ‘people’ cards of the tarot deck provide balance to the number or ‘pip’ cards, like the four of Wands & the Major Arcana or Greater secrets card such as the Star, the Lovers etc … Many resources attribute a very specific character type to each of the Court cards, however, I have found it beneficial to be flexible in interpretation of these characters & give the impression that you are receiving around a card through intuition. Quite often I get a gut feeling about a Court card that is removed from the accepted meaning or the actual image on the pasteboard. Though the Tarot is a system of divination, by being flexible in your interpretations you can begin to awaken your intuition & move your readings beyond the ‘book learnt’ approach & in to the realms of something really special.

In my experience the Pages represent a younger person of either sex that is usually a messenger or has something that the questioner could learn from. The time frame around the Pages also indicates to me usually that events are set to take a sudden turn & changes to the questioners environment are imminent.

To learn more about the Pages of  the Tarot click on the Page of the suit of your choice : Meaning of the Page of Cups, Meaning of the Page of Wands, Meaning of the Page of Swords, Meaning of the Page of Pentacles.

The Knights are older more dynamic individuals, if the Pages are messengers then the Knights are about acting on these messages & & sharing the knowledge. As knights they are of course not afraid of wading in to conflicts to try & bring about the best possible conclusion. The Knights have not yet achieved adulthood so their beliefs haven’t been crystallised & therefore they are more likely to be fluid in their opinions. If a Knight appears then you can be sure that the person represented is steadfast & loyal.

To learn more about the Knights of the Tarot click on the Knight of the suit of your choice : Meaning of the Knight of Cups, Meaning of the Knight of Wands, Meaning of the Knight of Swords, Meaning of the Knight of Pentacles.

The Queens of the Tarot are mature women, they have life experience that grants them heightened feminine intuition, composure & detached emotional responses that can be hugely beneficial in understanding your current situation. Depending on where a Queen appears in your reading there can be several different correspondences. They can refer to friends, matriarchs, yourself or even a strong woman who has not yet entered your life.

To learn more about the Queens of the Tarot click on the Queen of the suit of your choice : Meaning of the Queen of Cups, Meaning of the Queen of Wands, Meaning of the Queen of Swords, Meaning of the Queen of Pentacles.

The Kings of the Tarot obviously represent mature men or men who have developed wisdom & experience. Each King is a powerful character & they are the leaders of the Court of Tarot. The Kings have respect & have achieved their status & authority through hard work & good judgment. Highly responsible if a King appears in your reading then you are likely to expect advice from an older wiser man who will bring experience to your situation to show you an alternate path.

To learn more about the Kings of the Tarot click on the King of the suit of your choice : Meaning of the King of Cups, Meaning of the King of Wands, Meaning of the King of Swords, Meaning of the King of Pentacles.

All the best as always, Paul

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