O'Mara Tarot | Psychics, Clairvoyants and Tarot Card Reading

King of Wands

king of wands tarot meaning

Seeking truth

Confidence, Inspiration, Charisma

King of the Spirits of Fire

An impetuous King of Wands in front of a perfect desert greets you with a quizzical look. The Lion signifies dormant power & exceptional wisdom. The manuscript shows great learning & worldly experience.

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The King of Wands is a master of diplomacy, he has unmatched wit & endless charm. The King always indicates interaction with an individual of incredible intelligence who is on hand to offer sage advice. Experienced in all avenues of life the King is often involved in writing or teaching & has an incredible recall of information not only in his specific field, he also has an almost encyclopedic memory for almost any area of knowledge. A great ally in any form of quiz. The King can see any situation from an informed viewpoint, he is decisive and can be relied upon if an accurate ‘snap’ decision is required.

The salamanders indicate that the King will walk through fire to get to the bottom of a situation, as they face in opposite directions it shows that the King once satisfied with an explanation can change direction immediately, his inquisitiveness can never be satisfied.

tarot reader

All this academic brilliance is tempered by an exceptionally entertaining personality, The King is reliable & generous with his friendship. Once accepted as a confidante he will be a longstanding, important addition to any circle of friends , moving easily between any social situation. The salamanders & lion symbolise that though he can be intuitive & impulsive, once a subject grips him he will exhaust every detail before moving quickly on to some other form of entertainment. New ventures are the meaning of The King in a Tarot spread, an explosive period that will reveal if the area that requires attention has long term relevance, or whether the energy of the fiery King will indicate that a rapid change of direction is required. The King of Wands – Are you ready to learn?

3 card tarot reading

3 card Tarot - Past, present, future

Honour the past, be sure to truly live in the present. The future is the one for me, the excitement of the unknown, stepping out of the comfort zone just a little, that’s the one that makes my heart race.

When the Queen inhabits your reading remember to be kind & generous to those around you but beware that you have a short fuse, temper your outbursts though they may be short lived they can have long reaching repercussions. Channel the illuminating energy of the Queen, become a beacon of inspiration.

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