Believe in Yourself

judgement tarot meaning

Tarot today – Judgement

Hear the call. As a tarot reader you get a pretty good overview of how life is for people, a snapshot of the general zeitgeist of the moment. When some of the scarier cards, like Judgement shown here, appear you have to tailor your reading to deliver the message without letting the sitter get distracted by the scary imagery!

During one to one psychic readings I believe that the focus should be 100% on the sitter, it is ‘their moment’. It can be hard to reel people back to themselves as sometimes they want to try & focus on the people who are impacting them, or situations that are ultimately beyond their control.

In our increasingly turbulent world we need to focus on the one thing over which we have control, the one thing that we can change to make a difference.


As a reader I like to focus on positive change, in a tarot card reading over the phone you can sometimes see life altering shifts in outlook that can be revealed by looking at someones story from a different perspective, breaking them out of their comfort zone. Encouraging them to look at the script of their life. Just perhaps get them to accept some notes on their performance, play a slightly different part.

People as a whole tend to judge themselves pretty harshly. When Judgement appears in their reading it is simply time for them to rediscover their internal message. To blow away the cobwebs of self limiting beliefs, drop all the critical opinions. 

If they can lay themselves bare, focus honestly on where they are, where they ultimately want to go, then they have heard the clarion call of justice.

I try really hard not to judge people. I’m in no position to judge, I have enough skeletons & demons of my own to worry about. One area I need to work on at the moment is people judging my beliefs, I’m finding it best just to smile & walk away, Tarot is my belief system, your faith may be different, let’s just all play nicely shall we.

When Judgement lands in your personal Tarot reading you must release any preconceptions, respond to the clarion call of the trumpet to reveal the light within your self. Judgement allows you to see clearly, awaken confident that any changes or decisions will bring about any necessary transformations.

Tarot is my thing. The symbols on this card are the essence of Tarot. When I encountered it for the first time, decades ago, I knew I had found my key. The secret to unravelling my purpose. I had heard my calling.

Many people are so frustrated by struggling through the day to day, they have forgotten who they are. They have vague memories of who they were & have a million ideas of where they want life to take them.

” Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” Lucille Ball

Before you were you, here, where were you? Who are you now? What is your purpose?

Reconnect to who you truly are – Deep down you remember your message, if only you will allow yourself to hear it.

Go forth & be exceptional today, make today the day that someone will remember your message.

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