Beast Within

page of pentacles tarot meaning

⁣A younger me often pops up in readings with my personal deck, as on the Page of Pentacles here. It’s always a surprise, always like it is a different person, a different life. I stare with curiosity, nostalgia & wonder.⁣⁣

⁣When I look at the young boy giving the crystal ball reading on this card with his familiar, Chan the cat, I am transported back through time to a very different person. Not inherently bad, but definitely confused. An Aries temper that could come from nowhere, ignite like a firework. Thankfully short-lived these outbursts have softened with age, can be dissipated with exercise or just laughing at my own ridiculousness.⁣⁣

Tarot has been my trusty compass, it has never let me down”

⁣My siblings had all left home, leaving me between my fascinating, though it has to be said, complicated parents. I have long since accepted that they were simply doing the best they could, with the skills they had available to them at that time. I am still processing it, even though they have both long since passed away, I speak to them often.⁣⁣
⁣I have spent many years unraveling the head of that boy. I have spent many years with absolutely no idea where I was headed, free-falling into my future.⁣⁣

⁣All that I have seen, all that I have experienced, leaves me in no doubt that there is a force who has been guiding me to my destiny. Every day I feel life is an adventure yet to be discovered.⁣⁣
⁣My belief gives me the confidence to stand up for myself, for my ideas, my choices. Often I feel like I stand alone, I am increasingly comfortable with that.⁣⁣
⁣Do you feel that as you get older you get wiser? Do you have conversations with the younger you & marvel at just how far you have come?⁣⁣

For a lifepath reading with a recommended Clairvoyant visit my professional psychics page to view who is available, your answers are waiting

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