78 Journeys through Tarot

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O'Mara Tarot & Clairvoyants

tarotrehab – updated animated tarot meanings of the Major Arcana

At birth we embark on a spiritual journey, whether we acknowledge it or not. In Tarot we begin as The Fool, precarious on the cliff edge,
unaware of where life will lead us. There is no doubt that the path
ahead will be full of unexpected detours. Tarot is only one system of
many that promises heightened awareness, balance & eventually
enlightenment. Take this Journey and you will encounter many challenges on the path to your personal Truth.
78 journeys is my unique revision of these 78 Tarot cards, featuring my own personally designed deck. I have visited these themes many times before since my first deck was gifted me in Glastonbury a quarter of a century ago. Time is irrelevant on this journey, however , every return visit to a card reveals another layer of knowledge to be absorbed.

While Tarot is considered predominantly as a divination device, the
dedicated querent is afforded glimpses into the mysteries of the human condition and ultimately their own existence.

The Tarot has for centuries been utilised as a spiritual development
tool. It encompasses many metaphysical systems, including Astrology, Numerology & the currently fashionable Kabbalah. These esotericsystems are embedded intrinsically in this multi layered and complex archetypal system.

Whoever is drawn to this fascinating, mysterious and magical path that is Tarot can use the wisdom contained within to chart a path
towards higher conciousness.

The Tarot truly holds the key to the greatest secrets. Join the Fool as
he prepares to unlock the meaning of this spiritual quest.

78 Journeys – A personal Tarot Odyssey

Paul O’Mara Tarotologist

Is my website that offers various readings through Tarot and Astrology, both paid & free. To go directly to the readings please click here. Also available free Numerology  ESP testing

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