O'Mara Tarot | Psychics, Clairvoyants and Tarot Card Reading

Wheel of Fortune

wheel of fortune tarot meaning

Fate & fortune

Growth, Expectation, Acceptance

Lord of the Forces of Light

The mysterious enigmatic Sphinx appears above The Wheel as it spins through the vortex of time. The four evangelists, appear as an angel, an eagle, a lion and an ox, sitting in the four corners of the card, as in The World Card. The four corners of the Universe. The sword & snake have masonic symbolic roots. Seen on The Wheel are the letters TARO which in turn link to the Tetragrammatton.

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The Wheel turns for you, can you hear it? Creaking , metal on metal, music begins to play like a forgotten vintage fairground amusement. 

The Wheel has always been there, waiting. You are at a seminal point in your life where it is right & possible for you to focus more time on yourself, you move up to the next cycle of your existence. The momentum of the Wheel picks up, moving forward now. You may not realise yet,  you have subliminally banked ideas that are germinating on your psychic back burner.

The Wheel of Fortune turns, life goes on, regardless. You can not turn back time. We must all experience all aspects of life. Joy & sadness, luck & misfortune. The Seasons change, The Wheel tells you that you can escape the feeling that life is on a loop. The card symbolises development. You will now succeed where before you would have failed, the wheel is in your favour. Every turn of the wheel creates more growth, each turn enables you to develop an improved version of yourself. What is happening in your life at this time will pass into something better. Allow yourself to relax, you realise the need to be happy, you see old problems from a new angle. The past will offer new clues to the present and the future. The Wheel of Fortune ensures light after dark and success after several attempts. Release yourself from self criticism.

tarot reader

 Time is not linear, the wheel turns for eternity.

Do not repeat experience. What have you learnt? 


The Wheel is turning in the right direction. Your awareness is expanding you are thinking more deeply. You are confident in long term plans after a period of indecision. Talk of a Holiday or long held travel plans resurface, stand your ground. Your circumstances are changing for the better, the motion begins; adapt to change, do not be afraid, step outside of your comfort zone. You gain insight in to your situation, you are observing those around you & learning lessons through them. You are firing with enthusiasm, you need to start a new project, be sure to plan carefully. You feel more stable however you need to notice how your diet affects your mood. Listen carefully to that small voice inside you, it is hard to hear in today’s world. Listen carefully, your subconcious already knows the best path for you to take. The Wheel begins to turn for you, your circumstances are changing. Be aware that small efforts on your part now can have a spectacular outcome.

It’s a change in the wind, you can feel it, the Wheel has started to turn in your favour, climb on for the ride.


Step inside the card with me on my tarot rehab page.

3 card tarot reading

3 card Tarot - Past, present, future

Honour the past, be sure to truly live in the present. The future is the one for me, the excitement of the unknown, stepping out of the comfort zone just a little, that’s the one that makes my heart race.

"I stepped into each card..."

Tarot rehab

I stepped back in to each of the cards I created all those years ago. I challenged what I really believed, the secrets I had already forgotten. I needed to revisit the keys. Please join me on a 2 minute Tarot adventure, each journey is loaded with symbols & meanings. These are not 'readings', they are designed to take you inside what each card means to me, unlock the meanings one card at a time.
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