The Thunder Moon – Harness your power

Full Moon
The Harvest Moon, What Rewards Await Us?

Are you ready to embrace your true potential?

This Full Capricorn Moon, July 9th 2017 is sometimes referred to as the ‘Thunder Moon’. You can maybe sense the intensity building and feel as if you are at boiling point internalising many things that seem to irrationally irritate you.

The power of this phase where the Moon is opposite the Sun with Pluto & Mars aspects gives you the chance to analyse choices in your life, revealing how you can improve the balance to create the existence you know you can achieve. Your daily responsibilities may be wearing you down and impacting time that you would prefer to spend at home or on projects close to your heart. The annual influence of the thunder moon encourages us to focus on challenges and conflicts in our lives, it is a very powerful period of reflection that can have life changing results. Thankfully for many people this moon often heralds the approach of a holiday or break where you can really be yourself and prioritise time away from distractions and commitments to recharge and remember what is really important to you.

This moon phase heralds a crescendo of emotions that may be overwhelming. As the storm builds the intensity of your thoughts and emotions can permeate your subconscious, leading to extremely powerful and cinematic dreams that can often contain very clear psychic messages. Intuitive insights are now pervading your consciousness to reveal actions you can take in the real world to start becoming the best version of your self, enabling the Universe to provide exactly what you need to live a happier existence. Do you have questions about where life is leading you? Consult a professional expert Psychic now for your Live unique psychic telephone reading.

This lunar phase allows us to strive to make sense of global events that may seem so extraordinary that they overwhelm us. The global consciousness is coming together to help us all evolve and transform our reality for the better. Any personal challenges that may be limiting you, jealousy, addictive behaviours or negativity can be identified and put in the queue for you to start focusing on, re-modelling and addressing. Addiction to virtual worlds or social networks should be particularly identified and a digital detox should be initiated that enables you to connect back to the real world, to work on the relationships in your life that actually matter instead of striving for virtual perfection.

The Mars & Pluto aspects of the thunder moon phase invigorate you with the drive to finally focus on your life purpose. Now is a small window of opportunity to kick start the passion to strive forward and pull that project that has been bubbling all of your life in to reality. Think carefully now, you know deep down what it is that truly fires your passion, that you can identify as your soul purpose. Now is the time to stop building castles in the sky, waiting for the time when everything is in perfect alignment. The BIG news is that that time will NEVER arrive NOW is the time that you have to take that step towards creating your authentic life. Don’t worry about everything being ‘perfect’ just get something out there in the real world and start building your dream.

This lunar energy fires you up with initiative and drive, you must harness this energy and turn it into a constructive force. The thunder moon will stir all of your emotions, the power of Mars possibly giving you an incredibly short fuse and cause conflicts in relationships. Grab the intensity of this time, do not be sucked in to arguments or struggles that are not yours. Keep your side of the street clean and harness this powerful time to start realising the potential that is truly yours to harvest now.

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