New Moon in Sagittarius – Dream on

sagittarius new moon

After the drama of eclipse season the New Moon in mutable fiery Sagittarius lands an arrow in your zone of creativity & action. Forming a trine with generous Jupiter in passionate Aries, this new moon has a fantastically transformational vibe. Open your mind, sack your inner grinch, allow the freedom of Sagittarius to reveal your place in our new reality. Connections are paramount, learn from everyone, turn your negativity shield to max.

Temperance is the Tarot card of Sagittarius, The angel has been waiting for you, her energy is the present moment, the only place where you can truly decide to make a difference. The life of your widest dreams is just outside your imagination. Release anything that does not nurture or inspire you, enjoy everything else in moderation.

Allow dreamy Neptune to paint daydreams across your imagination.  This moon is your reboot button, visualise the life you want to live & be brave enough to allow it to become your reality.

How Does this New Moon Relate to Me?

The New Moon is a time of new beginnings, when the sun and moon are in perfect alignment.

The New Moon is a time for you to consciously manifest new beginnings, it’s a time for you to follow your heart and do what you’ve always wanted to do. New moon in Sagittarius is also a time for people to start fresh and get rid of the old baggage that they have been carrying around.

The new moon in Sagittarius can be an opportunity to explore your spirituality and find out what it is that makes you happy. It’s also a time when people are more open minded, so take this chance if you need to ask someone something important.

New Moon Reading

Many people consider a psychic reading around the new moon, a reading with a professional psychic can be a way to understand where you are on your path at the time of the moon, see where to head in the future and help you make better decisions to manifest the future you desire.

Relationships & the new moon

It is possible that you are in a relationship that is struggling, or with someone who is not right for you. It could be that you are not in the right place to start a new relationship, or that you need some guidance. The new moon often shines light on what is needed to make you truly happy & a psychic reading by phone can help you find out what is going on and how to move forward.

The New Moon in the lunar cycle

The New Moon is an important astrological event because it marks the beginning of a lunar cycle, or “moon phase.” The word “new” means that this particular cycle will be different from any other cycle before it.

A new moon is when there is a complete darkening of the lunar surface and it cannot be seen from Earth. This phenomenon occurs when the sun, Earth, and moon are aligned with the sun in between them. A new moon can be seen as a darker spot on an otherwise brightly lit sky or horizon because of its lack of reflected light from other sources like sunlight or city lights.

I hope this New Moon is transformational for you.

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