Moldavite the stone of transformation & the Star in Tarot

Moldavite Power
Moldavite, the meteor stone is a tektite, a high vibration stone of intense frequency.

I am recently back from a jaunt to Glastonbury where I was visiting my
mother. I always feel an instant connection to the magical atmosphere, like logging on to a spiritual w-fi. I always try and scout around to find the best Glastonbury psychic There is no doubt that there are many special energies
operating on the isle of Avalon. I stayed at the fabulous George &
Pilgrim hotel, though was again disappointed not to encounter any
ghosts. There are an awful lot of spiritual shops & many
practitioners, this time I decided that I wanted to buy something that
I could wear on my person to remind me of Glastonbury & began to
trawl around the alleys & courtyards in search of a special piece.
This where my incredible encounter with Moldavite began. I followed the
advice of several Crystal therapists & decided to acquire the piece
that ‘spoke’ to me. So after a lunch with my sister who many years ago
introduced me to the Tarot in Glastonbury,
I found myself literally hypnotised by a silver ring with a large
green, glass-like pitted stone. I purchased it without thinking &
whilst showing it off proudly, was told buy a crystal expert that
Moldavite should come with a warning. Apparently this stone is an
extraterrestrial cosmic gem that arrived in Moldovia as an asteroid
around 14,000,000 years ago. The jokes were that the only more powerful
stone was Kryptonite, (which is of course fictional) & I should be
extremely careful as Moldavite is the stone of transformation &
only arrives in your life when major changes need to be initiated.
Well, I have never really been very susceptible to the vibrational
energy of crystals, however, this was soon to change with my new
companion. I climbed Glastonbury Tor as I always do, & whilst up
there became extremely dis-orientated & dizzy, I had physical
sensations of heat & on a couple of occasions thought I was going
to pass out. That evening I had one of the best curries I have ever had
& slept like a baby. The next day I had many incredible
conversations with my mother about pivotal points in her life & we
parted with me feeling like there was something definitely changing in
my life. Since then on my return to London things have got even
stranger, my intuition has been boosted & even when travelling on
public transport I found it hard to ‘close down’. Apparently Moldavite
is renowned for accelerating spiritual development & opening the
3rd eye.

My dreams have become incredibly cinematic,  I have definitely found
that I have something resonating with me at a very deep level. Things
that need to be changed have become immediately apparent & I have
found new ways of diffusing situations or responding to things that
previously been challenging. Material things have also quickly
materialised, a totally unexpected & not unsubstantial windfall arrived &
I was contacted by a magazine who wish to do a story about my life
& the development of my Tarot cards.
In short this has been an incredibly eye opening fast track in to the
world of crystal energy. I have been advised to remove the ring as
maybe it is too powerful for me at this time in my development. This is
something as I am not about to do as I am really enjoying the rapid
change & exciting development that I am accrediting to the arrival
of my green friend. If you are looking for an adventure & think you
can handle it, seek out some Moldavite, but be prepared for some sudden
changes !. I have just discovered that this stone corresponds to The
Star tarot card in the Major Arcana
, The Daughter of the Firmament,
Dweller between the Waters.

The meaning of the Star is Inspiration, Enlightenment, Faith,
Revelation, Foresight, Excitement, Acceptance, Peace & Confidence,
so if this ring encourages those qualities then bring it on !.
To your success !


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