O'Mara Tarot | Psychics, Clairvoyants and Tarot Card Reading

The Star

start tarot meaning

Courage & abundance

Enlightenment, Faith, Foresight

Daughter of the Firmament

The Star – A young woman controls two pitchers from which she pours water upon the earth and back into the flowing water.

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Then in the sky above me  a white burst of light faded to reveal a huge, brilliant Star.

My mind cleared and the voice came : “ You now understand that the connected sparks of light represent all thought throughout the Universe, when we think as one we can create worlds beyond imagination full of peace joy and unlimited potential. Under this powerful light you must know that nothing is impossible for you now “


This is the card of inspiration. There will be contact with one who will give this power. There will be new perception of mental and spiritual things. Intuition will be heightened. Quick progress manifests after a period of inaction and potency will climb to new heights. 

tarot reader

There is no darkness if you 

allow your authentic light to shine.

Once your truth is revealed, 

everything is infinitely possible.


The Star has been called the card of destiny. The Querent will meet with a person who will give new hope and strength to his life. This card in a spread often heralds a meeting with a person who will have an inspirational & long lasting effect on the questioner. This person, represented by the card of destiny, whether male or female, will shape the destiny of the Querent and remain in his or her life in some fashion until the Querent’s old age. Will this be your lucky star? 


Step inside the card with me on my tarot rehab page.

3 card tarot reading

3 card Tarot - Past, present, future

Honour the past, be sure to truly live in the present. The future is the one for me, the excitement of the unknown, stepping out of the comfort zone just a little, that’s the one that makes my heart race.

"I stepped into each card..."

Tarot rehab

I stepped back in to each of the cards I created all those years ago. I challenged what I really believed, the secrets I had already forgotten. I needed to revisit the keys. Please join me on a 2 minute Tarot adventure, each journey is loaded with symbols & meanings. These are not 'readings', they are designed to take you inside what each card means to me, unlock the meanings one card at a time.
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