Three of Swords

Moving on
Conflict, Release, Communication
Lord of Sorrow
A pulsing heart is pierced by three swords before a stormy sky.

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When the Three swords appears in the seekers reading, I know diplomacy is going to be necessary. The suit of swords is undoubtedly the darkest suit, and the three can be an exceptionally distressing card. I have found in many hundreds of readings that this card often symbolises the inability to move on from a relationship that has long since finished. If this card appears I know the seeker is more than likely to be obsessed with the thoughts of how their actions could have led to a different outcome.

The three of swords is the definitive card of darkness before the dawn. Emotional upheaval surrounds this card and often leads to inability to move on from a painful situation. Regret and anguish must be released before the seeker can satisfactorily move into a happier period of their life. Likewise any relationships that have reached a stalemate should be honestly reassessed, existing conflict must be faced and an honest discussion regarding the future of the relationship must be instigated. Occasionally, once this position of honesty is reached, floundering relationships can suddenly take on a new lease of life. If you are not truly happy make amends or walk away.

3 card Tarot - Past, present, future
Honour the past, be sure to truly live in the present. The future is the one for me, the excitement of the unknown, stepping out of the comfort zone just a little, that’s the one that makes my heart race.
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