The seekers journey through The Major Arcana of The Tarot

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I have spent a perfect, lazy Sunday slipping in & out of consciousness next to a pool. It has been truly amazing, made even better by an unexpected daydream through the Major Arcana. Tarot is never far from my mind, here is a brief transcript of the ideas that drifted through my mind today …

The seekers journey through The Major Arcana of The Tarot

The Fool represents the divine spirit, trapped in a physical manifestation ( the body ). The Fool is as yet unaware of this divinity.

The Magician dazzles The Fool with his understanding & mastery of the physical plane, sparking the belief that there is something far deeper to be explored than the obvious experiences of our daily existence.

Before the Fool can experience true freedom, the more esoteric aspects must be understood. Represented by the High Priestess, The Empress and the Emperor, the querent must absorb these difficult lessons to progress.

Likewise the more physical aspects of life, represented by The Lovers & The Chariot must be experienced and successfully negotiated. A tarot card reading online can reveal which cards are influencing you & what steps might next be needed on your journey.

After absorbing these lessons The Fool, or seeker on the path, can take the form of The Hermit, beginning to appreciate the more spiritual avenues that will begin to open to him, leading him to a greater understanding of his place in the Universe.

When the Wheel of Fortune begins to turn for him, the seeker must look inside before learning to control the urges and instincts of the Strength card.

Next a completely different outlook in the form of the inversion of the Hanged Man brings a completely new perspective. When the seeker is no longer suspended in the form of The Hanged Man Death arrives to free his spirit from all previous restrictions and great spiritual freedom is afforded him in the form of Temperance.

If this spiritual energy is properly channelled and developed the next challenge is overcoming the challenge and temptations of The Devil.

Escape from the restrictions of the seekers earthly existence is now possible as the lightning bolt shatters the confines of The Tower, allowing the spirit to gravitate through the heavenly dimensions, The Star, The Sun, The Moon until finally he can emerge re-born through Judgement to finally reach the pinnacle of The World.

This is my take on the journey through the Major Arcana that can lead to amazing personal development if the keys of The Major Arcana are absorbed & accepted as a blueprint through which life can become effortless.

Further reading and more detailed meanings of the Tarot Major and Minor Arcana can be found on my website.

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