You the Significator and Your Life Force |
Four of Cups
A period of rest in your life and dissatisfaction with material gains. Re-evaluation of your goals.
That Which Influences Your Thoughts |
Page of Swords Reversed
Expect the unexpected. Inane behavior may hamper you. Cunning may be called for.
An aquaintance infuriates, delay is possible, you must be creative in handling meetings. A white lie will be obvious, put yourself beyond reproach.
That Which Influences Your Emotions |
The Hanged Man Reversed
You must surrender, see things from a different perspective. You can't run away from your current commitments, you have to change your priorities even if this means making a personal sacrifice.
That Which Influences Your Spirit |
Five of Swords Reversed
Do not be proud or rise to the bait. Be objective, you are facing strong forces, save your energy. Don't force things, wait all comes good in the end.
That Which Influences Your Physical Self |
Ace of Pentacles Reversed
After a false start be sure to give full credit. A situation has become larger in your mind than reality. A shower of white energy from this card clears negativity
Forces that Oppose You |
The Nine of Wands
You have been through a period of struggle. Though this is not completely resolved, be persistent it will pay off in the end. A meal shared opens your mind to alternative possibilities.
Other Forces that Oppose You |
Seven of Pentacles Reversed
You are covering the same ground, step back, look at the bigger picture.
Energies You Need to bring to the Forefront |
Two of Pentacles Reversed
Show your true feelings, honesty is appreciated. Do not focus on more than one thing at a time.
The Outcome |
The King of Wands Reversed
You need to be ruthless now, do not tolerate imperfection. Forgotten documents under a bed prove important.