You the Significator and Your Life Force |
Justice tells you to decide your true desires. What would really make you happy. An uncomfortable decision may be approaching, you will make the right choice & return balance to your life.
That Which Influences Your Thoughts |
Eight of Cups
You are not focusing, reconnect with life. Release material wants, reach for deeper meaning. Eye contact in a coffee house excites.
That Which Influences Your Emotions |
Nine of Cups Reversed
Unfulfilled wishes can be corrected. Take time to recharge your batteries, rest is important here. Do not deprive yourself of enjoyment. Accept an invitation.
That Which Influences Your Spirit |
King of Cups Reversed
You have great inner power, use it wisely now. Check all financial commitments carefully. You are bringing your emotions under control. A talisman or necklace holds great meaning.
That Which Influences Your Physical Self |
Ten of Pentacles
Riches either made or inherited may be yours. Attention to family matters may be needed.
Forces that Oppose You |
The World Reversed
You are more conscious that everything is connected. Embrace life, you must now foster a positive attitude. Be careful to finish what you start, do not fear changes.
Other Forces that Oppose You |
Ace of Wands
A new project burns brightly, inspiration grips you. Renew your enthusiasm for life. A family garden with an archway has significance.
Energies You Need to bring to the Forefront |
Four of Wands Reversed
Though everything seems just 'okay' deep down you know that you still need more. Have you just accepted what is on offer with no challenge?. You deserve better.
The Outcome |
Four of Swords
You need to identify when you are stressed, act accordingly. Rest and exercise are a must now. Retreat in to yourself, think positively. Right now a major tension in your life is fading away.