Make an order from the Universe – Online Cosmic Orders

make a wish online
what is your wish?

My online wishing well is very busy right now sending cosmic orders to the universe. It is simply a physical representation of an intention, or wish & has become increasingly popular during recent times. What will you wish for?

What’s the common link between a child making a wish while blowing the candle on a birthday cake and a young adult throwing a coin in the wishing well ? What’s the common link between a mother praying for her child’s wellbeing and a start-up entrepreneur looking ardently at the venture capitalists in the boardroom & silently wishing for support?

Many people are seeking direction & feel like they are drifting as the world adjusts to the new normal. A phone psychic reading with one of my best psychics is a great place to start when you are seeking for direction, for answers to your most persistent questions.

The commonality of people focusing on cosmic ordering is hope. It is this hope, the dream of having a desire being fulfilled and a belief that what one wants might, just happen, no matter how unrealistic it may appear at first, is abandoned by most people at an early age as thy slip into adulthood, leaving the magic of belief behind. When one grows up, is trained by their peers, society and programmed to look at the world and life in a certain way. They can often feel compelled to adhere to the widely accepted unwritten rules of adulthood. The unwritten rulebook says a lot of things but what it doesn’t talk about is that there is a realm of possibility and an energy that is beyond human comprehension, if your are open enough to connect to it.

Have you ever come across a situation when you have done everything you could, better than everyone else and yet you failed? Of course you have, everyone has. There is something known as the cosmos. Everything in the cosmos has its own rhythm of function. You are in control of only what you can do. Everything else is beyond your influence. A child doesn’t know where or how his or her desire would be fulfilled but the child nurtures hope nonetheless. A mother cannot prevent all ailments or protect her child from every adverse reality but she still hopes for the best for her offspring. The same applies to the young adult and the start-up entrepreneur. Everything and everyone is connected at some level, if we are willing to put our desires out in to the cosmos, the Universe can’t fail but deliver on our desires.

It is this universal hope, the innate true desire to get or have something or to have one’s wishes fulfilled, that Online Cosmic Orders are all about. The entire cosmos, or the universe, is nothing but energy. There are positive energies and negative energies, just like positive and negative emotions. Positive energies influence positivity and when you exude such energies towards the cosmos, the cosmos rewards you with the same positivity. There are instances in everyone’s life when somehow everything falls into place. Is it just chance, luck, a concoction or is it that the cosmos is participating by contributing all that is needed to make something happen?

Make an order from the universe, write down or speak out or silently pass on a positive energy and the cosmos would return the favor. Remember to put your wish out there, visit my Online wishing well

If you are looking for a psychic reading by phone you can book a reading with my trusted favorite Psychics and Clairvoyants by visiting my Psychic readings by phone or text page.

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