Ten things to do today to create a better tomorrow

better tomorrow

We all strive to be a better version of ourselves. What practical steps can we take to manifest a better tomorrow? Here’s just a few ideas.

1) Every evening just before I go to sleep I visualise what I want to achieve tomorrow. By making the pictures in my mind as realistic as possible I can begin to paint a picture of the tomorrow I want to materialise. Also by imagining myself completing different tasks, I feel I have given myself a head start, or a ‘dry run’, giving myself an advantage when faced with the situations in reality.
2) Have a ritual. Every morning I get up & say thanks for the day ahead, though I am not overtly religious I like to light an incense stick next to my favourite buddha, make sure that the flower next to him is fresh and strike the tibetan singing bowl I keep there while chanting one of my favourite mantras.
3) Have a plan & make sure you have things in your diary to look forward to. By prioritising what you need to achieve & being strong enough to follow that plan through you are well on the way to having a fulfilling day that leaves you feeling that you have done something of value. It is also necessary to have milestones in your diary that give you something to look forward to, as of today I have a dinner with friends booked, made plans for Christmas and New Year & also pencilled in a break in the sun after Christmas to recharge & escape the long, dark days. Before any of that happens I need to update my free tarot readings and my tarot meanings pages. It is vital to have a plan & it helps to have jobs to do & then put a reward in place for completing my projects.
4) Make sure you show your gratitude to those who are important. I always try & start the day with my partner asking how he is & seeing what his plans are. If at all possible it can be great to be spontaneous & spend a quick lunch or have a quick coffee with someone close. Make sure that even if they are not physically there, those close to you know that you value them. In these days of constant connectivity, it’s not difficult to drop someone a message on Facebook or send an email. FaceTime or Skype are fantastic ways to connect to those who are important.
5) Do something you enjoy. For me a quick game of pool at lunchtime raises my spirits no end. Make sure that you constantly hone your working day so that you do more of the things you are good at. If you are faced with something you know is not one of your best skills, don’t be afraid to delegate to someone who can do a better job than you, leaving you free to focus on what you are best at.
6) Try and put in to your day some small triggers that make you feel good. Even if it is just smiling at an elderly stranger in the street or giving a homeless person a pound out of your pocket. A few years ago I got chatting to two young inspiring teachers in a restaurant , on the way out I secretly paid their modest bill & felt great about it for years.
7) Be genuinely interested in those who you interact with & make sure you engage in the moment. Be focused, if you are talking someone put your phone away! So many people I speak to say that the number one thing that annoys them is that as a society everyone is becoming insular & constantly checking their devices or worrying about the strength of their wi-fi signal.
8) Push your boundaries. Aim to try something new, stretch yourself in some way. Talk to a stranger ( within reason ! ) or take a different route to your usual daily commute. Meet up with someone in the evening, especially in winter rather than hurrying back to hibernate in your cocoon.
9) Make a mental or physical note of any achievements. I have systems on my computer that track how I’m performing or how my website is doing. For example tonight I am tracking how my text a psychic service is doing, how I can improve it & making sure that I thank the wonderful people who are helping me make my psychic text service the best it can be. If you interact with someone new make a mental note or fire off a quick “Hello & nice to meet you”. The more you hone what it is you do, the easier it will be for you to stretch yourself further in the future.
10) Forgive yourself & those around you. Don’t beat yourself up, learn from any mistakes & allow others to learn from theirs by being quick to forgive without bearing any grudges.
As a firm believer in Karma, I think what we do today affects tomorrow. What thoughts we allow in our head create our reality. What we do to others will return to affect us through the power of the cosmos.
I sincerely hope you have a great ‘today’ & an even better ‘tomorrow’.

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