The Two of Swords – The situation is perfectly balanced what is your next move?

two of swords tarot meaning

The Two of Swords.
The Lord of Peace Restored

The Two of Swords Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading :


The Two of Swords – Appearance

The image is of two gold tipped Swords before a stormy moonlit sky above a peaceful river. The scales of balance are situated at the bottom of this card and a blindfold sits between the swords.

The Two of Swords Tarot Card – Interpretation

In a reading this card, the Two of Swords, indicates that you are refusing to face a current dilemma. Nothing can move forward or change until a decision is reached. Often I have seen this card represents stalemate in a relationship of a personal or business nature. The seeker feels frozen and the swords though perfectly balanced show the deadlock has been reached and the life changing choice is to be made. The point of no return has been reached, the decision must now be made before the blindfold can be lifted. The blindfold indicates a hidden choice that must be made through careful thought, external forces must not be considered. This card always indicates that the seeker is ignoring the situation in the hope that it may simply disappear. This is never the case and action must be taken before it is possible to move your life forward.

The Two of Swords Tarot Card – Correspondences

Libra is in perfect balance, the Moon signifies reflection

Alchemical Elements : Air

My Relationship with Two of Swords

When the Two of Swords appears to me, I know that a confusing decision is to be made. The stakes are always high and careful thought is the only action that can lift me from confusion. If I draw the Two of Swords before bed I know that I’m in for an uneasy night, and much mental wrangling will occur before a decision is reached. I know that however I decide to proceed I must have full confidence in my actions, the swords are perfectly balanced and one wrong move can throw my situation into turmoil. When the blindfold is finally removed and the swords are laid down, I can be confident that the correct choice has been made. One final note with the two, the decision here must be made with total conviction or the negative energy of the swords suit will be activated. Everyone faces a similar battle at some point in their life, hard decisions involving truly opposing forces in our lives and can only strengthen our character. When the blindfold is lifted I know that only light can come from darkness, perfect balance or equilibrium can never been maintained and must always lead to change.

The Two of Swords – The situation is perfectly balanced what is your next move?.

I am an authority on Tarot, having travelled the Tarot Landscape for over 25 years. My website offers various readings through Tarot and Astrology, both paid & free. To go directly to the readings please click here Tarot Readings. Also available free Numerology , ESP testing . Want them back in your life ? Try The Lovers Tarot Spell . Need more answers ? Visit the famous Wishing Well . Would you like to start a Tarot conversation, something on your mind ? Visit the Tarot Forum . The mist clears, Will your answer appear in The Crystal Ball? Tarot Deck available in my Online Psychic Shop

Paul O’Mara

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