The Two of Pentacles – Keep your life in balance

two of pentacles tarot meaning

The Two of Pentacles.

The Lord of Harmonious Change

The Two of Pentacles Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading:


The Two of Pentacles Appearance :

On this card we see two Pentacles being juggled within the sign for Infinity the lemniscate, a bright summer sky lights the foaming waves below.

The Two of Pentacles Tarot Card – Interpretation

The meaning of this card is that we must keep our heads and keep our eye on the ball in challenging situations. The never-ending juggling of the Pentacle symbols indicate that we are able to balance all aspects of our life, keep all our irons in the fire and keep our eye on the ball. When this card appears we must be able to respond to change in a positive fashion, at the same time we must ensure that all our commitments are met. Often after the promise of new business ventures in the ace, the two appears to tell us that we do in fact have the energy to take on new commitments and challenges. The turbulent sea and the crashing foaming waves remind us that life is never an easy ride, we must remain positive and be able to accept anything that is thrown our way. The symbol for Infinity on this card reminds us that all aspects of our life must be honoured, business commitments relationships social life and friends must all be fitted into our busy schedules in order to live a healthy balanced existence. The underlying reference in the two of Pentacles is that though things are set to fluctuate in our lives if we draw on our resources balance can be maintained. We need to look at the dark and the light the negative and positive, Yin and Yang. Fundamentally this card is all about keeping perspectives in challenging times. when the two appears new projects are on the horizon you will throw yourself at these with enthusiasm you have the resources that will be needed to promote the idea ferociously to others in order to make it a success. If the card appears in sequence with the ace of Pentacles, success is assured and your material happiness almost certainly guaranteed.

The Two of Pentacles Tarot Card – Correspondences

Zodiac : the Astrological symbol Capricorn and the planet Jupiter

Alchemical Elements : Earth.

My Relationship with The Two of Pentacles

When the two of Pentacles appears to me in a reading, I’m always tempted to laugh as it is no coincidence that I have several projects on the go at any one time. I then realise that I desperately need to balance my material life, my spiritual life and my social commitments. I have been known to become so absorbed in a project that nothing else really matters. Like many creative people eating, drinking and sleeping can often take on secondary importance to an exciting new project. Also if the two appears in my spread I know that I’m focusing too much on the creative, enjoyable side of my latest venture, I need to consider the underlying practical, financial and business related elements as well. The two always says to me if I can keep focused, then it is worth my while to take a chance, the sea behind this card may be turbulent, but when is life ever truly plain sailing?. The skill of the juggler featured in this card reminds me that though there is a great deal of activity and I may be taking on several simultaneous new challenges, as long as I keep my eye on the Pentacles in the air then success is assured.

The Two of Pentacles – Stay focused & balanced – The only constant is change.

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Paul O’Mara

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