Super Blue Moon eclipse – Discover your Truth

I See the Moon - The Moon sees me
Blue Snow Super Hunger Moon – Time to Re-Invent

January 31: Super Blue Moon Eclipse
What is a Blue Moon Eclipse?
This full moon is not only a blue moon ( damn got that song in my head all day now : “Blue moon you saw me standing alone, Without a dream in my heart ….” Billie Holiday). This moon is also a supermoon and a total lunar eclipse – Lunar lunacy! A Blue moon equates to two full moons in one month – Why is this one special?

1) First Blue moon eclipse in over 100 years
2) Third sequential Super moon
3) The Moon is just totally cool.

I am obsessed with the moon, in fact I used to be a werewolf but I’m all right now-oOOOOOOW!!!    ( sorry, the old ones are the best 🙂
The moon has fascinated me since I was a nipper, at the very edges of my memory I remember the first moon landing. It was the first card I designed in my Tarot Deck, you can read all about my Moon Major Arcana Tarot card here.

I genuinely think things get shaken up around the full moon if you are open to a touch of nocturnal lunar influence. Lets face it, the moon affects the tides & I’m 60% water at last count, makes sense in my little world.

The Snow Moon – Time to re-invent
Unsurprising called because this is historically the snowiest month, Native American tribes also called this the Hunger Moon as hunting became increasingly difficult. This is the point at which the moon is nearest to the earth in the monthly orbit. This Super Blue Snow Blood Hunger Moon, or whatever you want to call it, is undoubtedly a phenomenon, it’s time to make some changes & that time is now.

I see the moon, and the moon sees me.
Make a mental note to lay your eyes on the Moon this Jan 31st & truly make a promise to yourself to sort out some of your strife this year. You know the stuff, the same stuff that rocks up every January. Last January I did this & signed up to a personal trainer once a week. One year later I’m still busting my ass in the gym. Every month I look at the moon & transfer the money to the trainer, so I’ve no excuse. I’m broke, but getting fitter by the month & loving it. What one change would make a massive difference to your life?

Some Freebies for the New Year  Are you finding yourself ’stuck in a loop’, feeling that no matter what you try you are just not able to manifest the shift you know you deserve?

Totally free AstrOMara astrology – Your free personal report samples.                   Personal Forecaster, Soul Profile, Soul Mates, Star Lovers, Love Life Forecast, Predictor & Horoscope Chart. Important opportunities, a changing relationship, job or home. Learn to rely on your choices – Head on over & grab a free report from my AstrOMara Free Astrology Reports.

The Free Tarot reports are going great guns as I write this, 14 of you checking yours right now. I am so pleased they are again increasing in popularity, I loved creating my deck. So much so that I’m thinking of doing another one Check out My Free Tarot Readings

Does the Super Blue Moon Eclipse affect your relationship?
The complicated Astrology behind this ( & beyond the scope of this post), is wrapped up in Cancer & Leo. if you are in an ongoing relationship. This event takes place in the lion’s fire sign, laser focussing the light of truth. Are you scrupulously honest in your relationships? Is there something that is just gnawing away at you? This moon is the time to tactfully start asking those questions & expanding the comfort zone of your relationship boundaries. All bonds, trust and love are under the microscope here, the most important relationship is of course with yourself. Give yourself a break! Time to love yourself first for once.
Make good use of this super- rare moment in time, lock on for the ride and don’t forget to drink in this big, blue and beautiful moon.

New Relationship Psychics & Clairvoyants
I have worked hard to ensure that connecting to the right Psychic, Clairvoyant or Tarot Reader couldn’t be easier. You can see who is available with your answers by visiting my Available Live Psychic Readers pages

I wish you, as always, only the best.

Paul, London Jan 2018


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