Free Psychic Readings to fire your intuition

psychic reading by phone

free-tarot-readingsfree-tarot-readingsUsing Free Psychic readings to activate your intuition

There are countless different types of free psychic readings, & many resources that you can use to fire up your imagination. If you are just beginning to explore using any form of psychic ability then you may find a free psychic resource is good place to start. Like many people, the first time I visited a professional psychic, I was more than a bit bit skeptical. My mother had been visiting this lady Madam Tamar, for years. My mother & many of my family are incredibly intuitive & I didn’t understand why she would consult someone else. In fact as with many psychic resources this lady encouraged my mother to seek out things that fired her intuition. Something that for many years I have been continuing with my online psychic sites.

Seeking free online psychic resources

You should look for options that excite you & offer you inspirational resources completely free, or your skepticism may not be totally unfounded. If you find a psychic who is willing to get you started or give you a consultation for free, or one who just does it because they love it and don’t want to make any money at it, then you may well be on your way to finding someone that you trust. It is just these type of intuitives who I love & that I try & encourage to be professional psychic readers, as their motivation comes from the love of what they do, not only from a quest for the material !.

The first kind of free psychics develop their skills as a hobby. There are people who believe they are mediums or clairvoyants who have realized that they have a gift though do not need to rely solely on their ability to make a living. These are generally people who have a genuine desire to use their people skills to help the world become a better place. Intuitives like this feel that they can do their part by giving their time and skills to those who they feel need some guidance to move them along.

You will always find that the fledgling psychic is very excited about what they do. With no ulterior motive, they have no need to be dishonest with people or to feel like they need to produce results so the pressure is off and can allow their abilities to flourish. These people often practice in their homes initially and as their abilities develop & become recognised they may find themselves called on to expand their client base, often by finding a reputable psychic company that allows them to work from the comfort & security of their own homes. Often, they are just happy to have a chance to use their gifts in a way that is helpful to others. You may even find that you build a rapport with the psychic and a relationship of trust can develop.

Free Tarot readings

My favourite advice when people come to me about opening up & sparking their intuition is to use the Free tarot readings on my pages. These were a labour of love as I designed each card I would add it to my Meanings of Tarot cards pages, and eventually added more & more tarot spreads. Including my animated Talking Tarot spreads. These spreads use a computer generated system obviously; though they were only intended to entertain, inspire & spark thought in those who consulted them. Today after many millions of free readings have been dispensed over many years, I still get touching communications about how much inspiration & enjoyment people get from these free spreads.

There are many different types of free psychic readings available on my sites. Some specialize in Tarot cards, while others may be interested in Astrology & Horoscopes. It can be more difficult to find free readings in some of the more obscure psychic arts, though my site does offer entertaining pages that touch on subjects from ESP, through Crystal Ball GazingNumerology charts.

If you are really interested in getting a professional psychic reading then wiith a little patience and some advice from friends or honest reviews, you can find a reader who you are comfortable with. Remember, ultimately you are the customer and you should always be the top priority.

My top recommended Psychic readers

I have had many psychic readings & studied the Psychic arts especially Tarot my entire life. I have honed my small team of Psychics & Clairvoyants, who I believe offer high quality psychic readings online. To connect with my recommended Psychic readers you can visit my site where you can prebook your psychic reading. If you are looking for an experienced Psychic who you can pay for a psychic reading on your phone bill you can also find selected eaders on my pages. My website has been established for many years, has provided countless advice, and delivered literally millions of free readings. I am now proud to offer access to whom I believe to be the best psychics & intuitive counsellors working in their chosen field. I am always pleased to receive positive reviews about the psychic readings of course, and especially when those say that my psychic readers offer very good value for money.
As a professional I have worked hard at personally designing the experience when you arrive at my site, including my own Tarot deck. When you arrive I’m sure you will find everything easily on the site to lead you to the answers, information & psychic services that you want.
Experienced Psychics & Counsellors
I am pleased to offer a selection of psychics & intuitives that can offer a variety of types of psychic reading, these experienced readers can cover almost any file & use a variety of skills to complete your readings, including :
•    Tarot
•    Relationships & Love readings
•    Numerology
•    Astrology
•    Clairvoyants
•    Psychic reading

I sincerely hope you enjoy your visits, all the best ! Paul x

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