Your Horoscope For The Full Pink Moon In Libra

Full Pink Moon

Your Horoscope For The Full Pink Moon In Libra

Watch my avatar talk you through the pink moon on my YouTube channel

The fourth Full Moon of each calendar year is known as the Pink Moon. It’s a lunation that brings plenty of growth, rebirth, and development because it’s around the time of year when spring is springing. Everyones mojo gets a boost as our world bursts in to life bringing potential & opportunity.

Many people have found comfort in following the lunar cycle during difficult times. Each month’s name in the Moon calendar has a special meaning, and this lunation’s position after the Spring Equinox brings great hope.

My mother lived by the moon. The April or Pink moon would bring much excitement as she thumbed through the Almanac. This was the moon that heralded to her that spring had sprung, she could get out in her beloved garden & start weaving her green fingered magic.

Did you participate in any full moon rituals during the March Full Moon 2022, also known as the Worm Moon? Have any of your manifestations grown into buds and blossoms on branches and trees, if so? Has anything in your 2022 horoscope come true in your life? Spring’s new growth provides an opportunity for new beginnings, as evidenced by the April 2022 New Moon. I love having the Full Moon as an anchor as the months & seasons progress, it becomes increasingly important to me as the years go by.


Personally I‘m Aries & husband is libra, the perfect polarity. Focus on your relationship with your world, with yourself. Spend more time with those who inspire you, who charge your spiritual battery. Tiny adjustments in how you interact with those closest to you now can bring astonishing emotional release clearing unexplored blockages. 

Harmonious libra of course brings balance. This lunation magnifies your powers of persuasion bringing opportunities, releasing outmoded beliefs, fast forwarding developments.

Consciousness expands, allow yourself to really feel your emotions. Celebrate yourself & your soul tribe, you now know exactly who empowers you as you embrace the spring energy that floods your being.

What Is a Pink Moon?

While the Full Moon in April will not appear pink, it is the most popular name given to this month’s Moon. The colour is a reference to the herb moss pink, a plant native to the eastern United States that also goes by the names creeping phlox, moss phlox, and mountain phlox, according to NASA.

Many people in the United States have named Moons after Native American tribes’ traditional monikers for nearly a century. However, different tribes gave the Moon different names, so you might want to think about names like the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and (for coastal areas) the Fish Moon. All of these names are direct references to the season of spring.

How To See The Full Moon In April 2022?

On April 16, the Full Moon will reach its peak at 2:55 p.m. Eastern, but don’t be alarmed by the daylight hour. The Moon will be nearly full the night before and after its peak, and will be visible throughout the night.

April is one of the last months in the northern hemisphere where you can get a good nighttime view of the Full Moon before summer sets in. Northern Moon watchers may want to hurry out to see the Pink Moon before the bugs take over later in the spring.

What Does the Pink Moon Mean Spiritually?

Because it is in Libra, the pink moon has special significance. This full pink moon means that if we come together to achieve some sort of equilibrium in different situations that have gotten a little off track recently, which makes sense because Libra is symbolised by the scales of justice. The Full Moon is the perfect time to try a free tarot reading, what magic will be revealed under the light of the moon?

What Does the Full Pink Moon Actually Mean for Your Zodiac Sign?

For a detailed look at what is unfolding in your life my professional psychics & clairvoyants are always waiting to deliver your unique psychic phone readings. Do you have questions? Give them a a call your answers are waiting.

Aries: The Full Moon in Libra, according to the horoscope, will allow people born under the sign of Aries to close a period of uncertainty. Relationships are starred, a new outlook makes you very attractive at this time, work it Aries, the world is waiting.

Taurus: Taurus should step away from the planner this month & seek out mini breaks from routine. Overdue catchups with friends can reignite your pilot light, fuelling enthusiasm for new opportunities.

Gemini: Gemini can complete a project and take their foot off the gas this month. Creativity blossoms revealing new paths & passion may ignite revealing unexpected suitors.

Cancer: With the Full Moon in their sign, in their personality house, people born under the Cancer sign will have the opportunity to reap what they sowed in January. Emotional introspection allows you to recharge your spiritual battery.

Leo: It is the perfect time to release those recurring replays of the past under the light of the Full Moon in Libra. People or memories from the past are likely to reappear in dreams & memories, what meanings do these have?

Virgo: The Full Moon in Libra will give Virgos the opportunity to take their friendships to the next level. Virgos can reap the benefits of a summer project or a project they’re working on with friends, or they can devise a new plan in collaboration with them. A few cheeky treats should be enjoyed Virgo, you deserve them.

Libra: People born under the sign of Libra have a good chance of achieving success this month. The social media version of you could cross in to reality briefly. Libras who have taken steps in this direction over the last half-year and made a name for themselves may now be promoted.

Scorpio: According to the horoscope, Scorpios have the opportunity to change some life principles or to complete some studies that began half a year ago. Interviews are ideal at this time, introspection & some spiritual self care are recommended, dive in to a moon bath & redress your future.

Sagittarius: Those born under the sign of Sagittarius will reap the benefits of a project started during the summer, or they will lay the groundwork for future plans in collaboration with their life partner or third parties. Social events draw you like a moth to a flame, you can be the life & soul this month if only you allow yourself some slack.

Capricorn: Some partnerships will pay off for the Capricorns. Diplomacy is key. Close relationships may see intense discussions about future plans, be sure your voice is heard, your opinion is certainly valid right now.

Aquarius: Work opportunities could present themselves. The light of this moon will shine on a new version of yourself that has been building for a while. Time to trust the universe & step in to the spotlight, now is your time.

Pisces: The Full Moon in Libra will give Pisces the opportunity to close a chapter in their emotional lives & move forward stronger than ever before. Time to strengthen some boundaries & listen to messages from dreams on the edge of consciousness.

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