Tarot The Page of Wands – Unexpected messages

page of wands tarot meaning
Messages either in the post or in electronic form follow the Page, he doesn’t always bear exciting tidings but you can be sure that he only tells the truth.
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The Page of Wands.

The Rose of the Palace of Fire

The Page of Wands Tarot Card – Appearance

An unknown dark young man carries an expected or sometimes unexpected message ….

Numerical Value: 11

The Page of Wands Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading :







The Page of wands is a messenger. He often appears unexpectedly in a reading to symbolise that news is about to arrive that will change the course of the questioner’s life. If they have applied for a course or are thinking of changing direction it is no surprise to see the Page appear. On many occasions I have noticed him arrive with unexpected news of an impending emotional entanglement that will lead to a major relationship. He has often led me impulsively to imply to the questioner that their soulmate is set to make an appearance in their life. Often they are not ready to accept this, however I know of at least two that were ready & indeed did find their significant other almost immediately. Many of my best Psychic Readers use the Page as a significator a card to symbolise a potential suitor in a reading.

Messages either in the post or in electronic form follow the page, he doesn’t always bear exciting tidings but you can be sure that he only tells the truth. 

The Page of Wands Tarot Card – Correspondences

Though he is grounded by Earthly energies his element is fire which can lead to impulsive behaviour

My Relationship with The Page of Wands

Many years ago, the Page appeared to me as I gave a reading to a woman who seemed to have the weight of the world on her shoulders. The Page usually refers to younger people & I was hit by the impression that her son had applied & been accepted for military service. I took this as a good thing, to her, as a mother she could not see beyond the danger of this posting. Her son had impulsively dropped out of school & signed up for military service, I saw that this was to be the making of him & he would return a much better version of himself, ( it transpired he was a troublemaker with serious problems with authority figures ). He did in fact return & several months later his mother contacted me saying it was the best thing he had ever done & how proud she was of him. I have just given an almost identical reading for someone & it transpires that their son is about to enter the police force in similar circumstances. Often in my line of work, reading Tarot cards, the faces change though the stories remain the same … Also with the pages I have learnt over time that the pages are not always representative of males.

Personally when the Page of Wands comes knocking on my reading, I know to expect a slightly uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach as I wait for the Page to reveal his message. All I know is that I have survived many visits from the Page & although he has thrown a curveball at me several times previously, after the initial waves of uncertainty have subsided his message usually heralds a period of exciting but ultimately beneficial turmoil.

Are you ready for a message from the Page of Wands ?

To your success xxx, Paul

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