Powerful Transformation with the Full Blue Moon in Capricorn

full moon in Capricorn

The Full Blue Moon in Capricorn is here, and it calls us to focus on how we choose to spend our precious energy and time this summer. This Moon in Capricorn is trine Uranus in Taurus. This powerful transit blends stability with innovation, forming a harmonious trine. It’s the perfect time to embrace change while keeping your feet firmly on the ground.

In Tarot, Capricorn is represented by The Devil. You might feel chained to your past, a situation, person, or habit. This is your moment to dance with your inner Demon, illuminate those dark corners, and become your own saviour. This summer is all yours. Curious about what this lunar event reveals for you? Check out your free Full Moon Tarot reading

The Moon in Capricorn also forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces. This aspect encourages us to delve into our emotions, nurture our intuition, and channel our feelings into compassionate and imaginative expressions. Just be careful not to bring too much drama into your life during this time.

As the Moon shifts into Aquarius, it forms a trine with Mars in Gemini. This aspect is daring, charismatic, and irresistibly attractive. Get ready to express yourself and use this energy to your advantage.

Additionally, the Moon in Aquarius conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius, bringing energetic, pattern-breaking vibes. Pluto pushes us beyond our boundaries, revealing hidden truths. Are you ready for this deep dive? Issues raised as we look inside are perfect to be explored in a personal psychic reading with one of my recommended psychics.

Meanwhile, Venus in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini ignites an optimistic outlook. Expect grand gestures, charisma, and an uplifted spirit. Mercury in Leo squaring Uranus in Taurus introduces a dynamic, high-energy influence. This energy resists limitations and thrives on potential.

For talking daily horoscopes and more cosmic insights, check my daily horoscopes page. I personally create all my horoscopes daily. My AI horoscopes avatar is always there to guide you through your transits.

Full Moon Manifestation Ritual

To maximise the transformative power of the Full Blue Moon in Capricorn, consider performing a full moon manifestation ritual. This ritual will help you harness the moon’s energy to set intentions and manifest your desires.

  1. Prepare Your Space: Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Cleanse the area with sage or incense to remove any negative energy.
  2. Gather Your Tools: You will need a candle (preferably white or blue), a piece of paper, a pen, and any crystals associated with Capricorn, such as garnet or onyx.
  3. Set Your Intentions: Light the candle and sit quietly. Reflect on what you want to manifest during this lunar cycle. Write down your intentions on the piece of paper. Be specific and positive in your wording.
  4. Visualise: Close your eyes and visualise your intentions coming to fruition. Feel the emotions associated with your desires as if they have already happened.
  5. Release and Trust: Read your intentions aloud, then safely burn the paper in the candle flame. As the paper burns, release your intentions to the universe and trust that they will manifest in their own time.
  6. Close the Ritual: Extinguish the candle and thank the moon and the universe for their guidance and support.

By performing this ritual, you align yourself with the powerful energies of the Full Blue Moon in Capricorn, setting the stage for profound transformation and manifestation.

I truly hope this month is magical for you. See you at the New Moon!

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