The Eight of Pentacles – Hard Work & Focus Guarantees Results

powerful psychic readings
The cards are turned, alternative futures are revealed.

The Eight of Pentacles.

The Lord of Prudence

The  Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card – Meaning in a Tarot reading :


The Eight of Pentacles – Appearance

On the Eight of Pentacles we see a young apprentice fashioning a Pentacle. Seven are complete. A typical street scene is glimpsed behind.

The Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card – Interpretation

The meaning of this card is satisfaction derived from persistence & hard work. We tend to forget the pain of hard work when the final result is worth all of the hard effort. This card really embodies that practice makes perfect, think now, what is your long term goal ?, do you have the application necessary to bring those long held dreams to reality ?. Though certain people seem to have success fall in to their laps, in fact, usually if you scratch below the surface, an awful lot of hard work has gone on ‘behind the scenes’. Attention to detail & giving above & beyond, working at 120%, all of these attributes apply to the Eight of Wands. The Eight also symbolises the need to expand our interests, to increase our offer to the world. In a material sense this card warns that you will have to seek external stimulation & be prepared to fight harder in the Global marketplace. Many people who consult me in a business arena & draw this card, often don’t realise quite how cut-throat the world of business has become. I regularly have to say: ” The reason you have stopped achieving is simply because you have become complacent, you are too nice!”. This always shocks questioners who feel it doesn’t sit well with their spiritual endeavours, if you are going to consult me about your business developments, you must expect a ruthlessly honest reply… Should this card appear, prepare for some hard work !

The Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card – Correspondences

Zodiac :   The Warmth of the Sun & the reliable practicality of Virgo

Alchemical Elements : Earth.

My Relationship with The Eight of Pentacles

When the Eight enters my reading I know that a period of hard work approaches. Being an Aries I work very quickly in short bursts of intense energy. With the Eight I know that SUSTAINED effort & learning is required to achieve the goal I have set. I am a perfectionist but also have a very short attention span. Therefore anything that needs focussed, concentrated effort is destined to drive me to distraction. A good example of this is the Talking Tarot reading on my site. I realised that a lot of my customers didn’t want to ‘read’ the meanings of each card, they wanted me to do it for them. The amount of work required to record each meaning & then ensure that it worked across many different platforms was endless & exhausting, the satisfaction & complimentary feedback received made it all worthwhile. This is the essence of the Eight of Pentacles, do not embark on a project unless you know you are willing to put 100% + effort in. Now I have the taste for this level of application I am developing a Tree of Life reading that uses similar technology. I know that this is going to be an even bigger undertaking, but also know that the result will be well worth the effort.

Talking of hard work ? …Have you visited Curiosities, my Online Psychic Shop ?

The Eight of Pentacles – Apply yourself totally – The results will be more than worth it.

I am an authority on Tarot, having travelled the Tarot Landscape for over 25 years. My website offers various readings through Tarot and Astrology, both paid & free. To go directly to the readings please click here. Also available free Numerology , ESP testing . Want them back in your life ? Try The Relationship Tarot Spread . Need more answers ? Visit the famous Wishing Well . The mist clears, Will your answer appear in The Crystal Ball ? . Lacking direction, feeling a tad lost? An Online Psychic Reading awaits.

Best Always

Paul O’Mara

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