Introducing a new partner to your children

Loving again after divorce, introducing your children to your new partner Readings often stray away from the generally accepted subject of tall dark strangers & journeys over water. I had one such reading today where the questioner wanted to explore how their children might react to a new partner. Sometimes the Universe throws us a… Continue reading Introducing a new partner to your children

Tarot Court Cards – The Court of the suit of Pentacles

Today I am perusing the Court, or family, of pentacles, The court cards can undoubtedly be the most difficult cards to interpret in a Tarot consultation. In my opinion the Court of the Suit of Pentacles is the most down to earth & accessible of all the suits. The strong earthly element inherent in this… Continue reading Tarot Court Cards – The Court of the suit of Pentacles

Tarot The Moon, Insomnia & the answer!

Around the change of season & always at the full moon phase I am liable to bouts of insomnia. There is nothing worse than lying there at 4am with your partner blissfully in the arms of sleep, knowing that you have appointments looming in a few hours. It is true that the darkest hours are… Continue reading Tarot The Moon, Insomnia & the answer!

Tarot for relationships – Dealing with a break up

The question presented to me by the sitter was. ” What do you see about my current relationship ?” I turned the significator card, The Chariot. I said ” I would question if this relationship is indeed current, or if so is at least unstable. The black & white Sphynx are suggesting that there are… Continue reading Tarot for relationships – Dealing with a break up

Astrological Relationship Compatibility – Chinese Horoscopes

Compatibility Issues Are Key To A Successful Relationship One of my resources is my online Chinese Astrology Horoscope compatibility page. Regardless of whether you believe in Astrology, Chinese or Western, compatibility is important in any successful relationship. My free tarot readings are equally as popular for looking at compatibility with the free relationship tarot reading… Continue reading Astrological Relationship Compatibility – Chinese Horoscopes