O'Mara Tarot | Psychics, Clairvoyants and Tarot Card Reading



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The Power of The Universe


Your Self Overall

The High Priestess

Your intuition and psychic power are highly developed at this time. The High Priestess indicates that you will develop a more spiritual side and begin to notice subtle messages from your subconcious.

Your Ambitions, Desires and Primal Urges

The Magician Reversed

You must not allow your thoughts to dwell on the negative, believe that positive thoughts will lead to actions that will take form and become reality.

Your Ideals, Goals, Path to Spiritual Contentment

Queen of Cups

Say what you really mean. Intuitions, visions and dreams need nurturing. How are you really feeling, open up tell the world.

Your Real Accomplishments and True Path

The Star

Allow you energy to become a beacon to guide you & attract success. Remember this moment & make a wish on the next star you see.

Your Dependencies, Addictions and Erroneous Values

Justice Reversed

Any conflicts in your life need to be addressed now to free you from indecision. Justice is to be trusted, be careful though in interaction with others, you will get what you deserve after a false start.

Your Strengths and Positive Personality Traits

Six of Cups

Happiness and joy come from the past. New friendships, ventures and knowledge are possible.

Your Faults and Weaknesses

King of Pentacles

Take the lead, be proactive with regards to projects unfinished. A dream of a house move makes you think of exciting possibilities. Arrive early for an appointment success is starred, financial issues begin to stabilise.

Your Self Awareness and Self-Image

Seven of Cups Reversed

The re-emergence of will and determination. Strengths working in unison. Choices made wisely.

Your Faults and Weaknesses

Six of Swords

Only now can you see you have been stressed. You have come a long way. A journey is discussed, this is a turning point in your life. Consciously move from turbulence, accept that a brighter path can now be travelled.