cross and triangle tarot reading

O'Mara Tarot | Psychics, Clairvoyants and Tarot Card Reading



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Tap in to Your Authentic Power



You the Significator and Your Life Force

Queen of Pentacles

Feminine intuition appears to show you the correct path. Tune in to your surroundings, do not be distracted by insignificant material desire. Look inside, reconnect with your true self. Apply yourself now. Be careful of wasting time that could be better spent

That Which Influences Your Thoughts

Five of Pentacles

You feel insecure. This is an illusion. What are the underlying issues here ?. Carefuly check financial statements. Keep an eye on possesions whilst travelling.

That Which Influences Your Emotions

Temperance Reversed

You will need to adapt to new but exciting circumstances. You will need to be accommodating & show respect in an approaching situation, choose your words carefully.

That Which Influences Your Spirit

The Knight of Wands Reversed

A chaotic time, rise above jealousy or negativity. There is work to be done, lead the way. Laughter breaks a difficult situation. An unexpected visitor causes excitement.

That Which Influences Your Physical Self

The World

Seeing this card in your spread guarantees ultimate happiness, you are deserving of it, you must realise this is a very powerful Major Arcana card that heralds a higher state of existence.

Forces that Oppose You

The Star

Allow you energy to become a beacon to guide you & attract success. Remember this moment & make a wish on the next star you see.

Other Forces that Oppose You

Two of Swords Reversed

You are refusing to face facts. You are blocked & only you can choose to release yourself. A walk in nature will show you the answers you seek.

Energies You Need to bring to the Forefront

Knight of Pentacles Reversed

Break out of your comfort zone. Do not project a poor version of yourself. Release insecurity, your opinions will be valued. A long held grudge should be reversed.

The Outcome

Five of Cups Reversed

Joy and happiness resurface. New friends and relationships are born. Old friends and loved ones return.